Be a more understanding husband, father, and friend (I seem to be getting grumpy with age)
Spend more time with my family and extended family (time is flying and we only have so much time on this earth)
Catch Muskellunge in New Jersey
Catch Salmon in New Jersey
Learn new fishing techniques and improve overall numbers
Pad up and get some airs off the ramps like back in the day (52 years old is not an excuse anymore.)
Establish a stronger relationship with the township to continue to work on getting a Skatepark in Ewing Township.
Continue to grow the business through building relationship and supplying the community what it needs.
Introduce more events, classes and seminars to bring the community together and learn a couple of things
Establish the West Trenton Area as walking destination through partnerships with other local businesses.
Establish a stronger relationship with the township to continue to work on getting a Skatepark in Ewing Township.
Canvas all of Mercer County so they are all aware of the business (internet is great but like to meet poeple face to face)